miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Flying in the white sky

En clase de inglés están haciendo una redacciones estupendas como la de Silvia Martín Muñoz de 4º A ESO:

It was a trip I’ll never forget, I had been invited to spend some days in a little village called The Golden Dragon Reign in the Himalayas. When I arrived, I was charmly welcome by my friend Rose and her family. They were wearing the traditional costume: a leather waistcoat and colorful long skirts (even the boys).

I was really hungry; the flight had lasted almost eight hours. We had dinner: some meat with red sauce and rice. But when I tried it, it was as if I had eaten the Sun! They gave me some bread (I saw they were trying not to laugh) but I didn’t try more.

The next morning the smallest girl, called Katie, guided me to a very tall mountain. As we were walking up, the temperature  got lower: I started to fear for my poor feet and hands, which I fairly could move. Soon I felt exhausted: I couldn’t breathe due to the lack of oxygen. It didn’t help watching the little girl smiling calmly while she was climbing with agility.  

Thus, we kept climbing until we reached the top of the mountain. I first sat and took a deep breath: I wanted to close my eyes, lie down and sleep for hours without interruption. But I opened my eyes and stepped into the wonderful view I could have ever expected. I’ll try to describe it, though maybe these words won’t make it justice: Gigantic white-bluish mountains rose up in the opened air, much taller than the one we had climbed (indeed, the mountain we were now resting on seemed now little more than a small hill compared to them). Black figures flew very high in the sky, disappeared and reappeared again, like dancing. Everything was blue and white.

               -Beautiful, isn’t it? - said Katie.
I nodded, unable to say anything at the moment. She noticed I had been looking to the birds that were playing in a near mountain and she whistled loudly.
Three birds came rapidly towards us. Frightened, I tried to go backwards, tripped and fell to the floor. But Katie raised her arms and one big snowy bird perched on her arm. She gave it something she took from her coat pocket.
               -She is mine- said Katie proudly. Dad had trained them, and he had allowed me to help him. Do you want to try?

Wet and a bit afraid, I approached her slowly. I hesitated: those sharp talons seemed quite painful.
Katie got out some leather squares, of the same material as her jacket, and I understood. I nodded again. 

The birds gazed at her curiously while she was helping me to wear those leather things in my arms. It was stiff and a bit uncomfortable. I raised my arms just as Katie had done before.
Her white bird flew immediately to my right arm: after a few seconds the other three moved too. Finally I had two in each arm. Though I couldn’t see myself, I think I looked as pretty as a good version of a scarecrow.

Then the girl made another whistle and I felt a very painful pressure in the arms. When I looked to see what was happening, I had been lifted ten meters above the floor!  I’m not very proud of the terror scream that followed. However, the birds didn’t fly higher and I could appreciate the magical landscape, the fresh air, the quietness.

I don’t know for how long I stood there, suspended in the air; maybe hours, maybe few seconds, but when the bird left me on the ground, the only thing I wanted to do was a to be up again and never get down again. Not everyone can say they have flown!

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

El centro de la Vía Láctea

El lunes 14 de octubre a las 13:10 tendrá lugar la conferencia El centro de la Vía Láctea a cargo Rainer Schödel, investigador del Instituto Astrofísico de Andalucía. Será en la Sala de Usos Múltiples para 1º y 2º de bachillerato.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

Elogio del oficio de enseñar

El pasado junio se jubiló nuestro compañero D. Julián Moreiro Prieto, profesor de Lengua castellana y compañero formidable. Cómo no, tuvo unas palabras emotivas que nos llegaron a todos al corazón, como siempre.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Reunión informativa de comienzo de curso 2013-14

El próximo día 17 de octubre, jueves, en el Aula de Usos Múltiples del Instituto, el equipo directivo les recibirá para darles información de carácter general sobre el centro. El horario de la reunión será:

  • 1º ESO: a las 18:00
  • 2º ESO: a las 18:20
  • 3º ESO: a las 18:35
  • 4º ESO: a las 18:50
  • 1º Bach: a las 19:05

A continuación, tendrán otra reunión con el tutor en el aula donde su hijo/a recibe clases. Serán informados de las características del grupo y de su funcionamiento habitual. Posteriormente abriremos un turno de intervenciones para resolver dudas o aclarar aspectos de lo tratado.

Se trata, pues, de un acto de información general en el que podremos intercambiar ideas y opiniones referidas siempre al grupo en su conjunto. Les recordamos que, para hablar de su hijo en particular, debe hacer uso de la hora de visita de padres reservada en mi horario a tal efecto.