lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Global Classrooms 2013-2014

El pasado miércoles 26 de febrero 10 alumnos de 3º ESO participaron en las Global Classroom. Nos cuentan que ha sido una experiencia única y muy enriquecedora porque les ha dado la oportunidad de mirar de una nueva forma lo que les rodea. Con ella han podido desarrollar destrezas útiles para la vida y han conocido mejor a la gente con la que han trabajado.

Alejandro San Inocente, Daniel Hurtado, Isabel Garrido, Rafael Calvo, Kasija Bojanic, Nuria Gómez, María Fernández, Martín Gadea, Alicia Rey y María del Mar López.
Enhorabuena a todo el equipo y especialmente a Nuria que ha sido seleccionada para ir a la sede de Nueva York. Muchas gracias a la profesora Paloma Galán y a Ankit Medhekar que han coordinado la actividad.

Para nuestros alumnos esta ha sido su experiencia:
Mar: Global Classrooms was one of the best experience I have had this year. I seriously could not imagine I would have such a great time when I started this project. I wouldn not change anything about it and although the end was sad, I do not regret participating.
Kasija: Global Classrooms sounded me like a boring experinece. But then, I realised how interesting it was. A teenager acting like an adult was the best part of it. The Global Classrooms taught me a lot of things about me and about the world. I would not think twice if someone asked me to do it all again.
Isabel: When they told me that I was going to take part in Global Classrooms I could not believe it. We had to do extra work and research a lot about other countries but when I was up there saying my speech, with so many people staring at me, I said to myself "all the effort was worth it". 
Also I made a lot of new friends and I liked when people I did not know, came to talk to me and talked about topics that are talked by politicians. 
In conclusion, it was a great experience and if I could I would repeat it.
Alejandro: In Global Classrooms, what I mostly liked were two things. First, what I learnt about countries that I had not thought of. Second, the experience of representing a country with several speeches to give and ideas to explain. I also liked the idea of being with other people of my age, because it made me easier to explain our ideas and solutions.
María: I really enjoyed this project because we learnt lots of things about the different countries and subjects at the same time as we were making new friends and practising English. I also liked the fact that we had to dress up properly an be polite to each other, because it is somthing we do not do so often.
Daniel: I enjoyed this project a lot. It helped me to learn new things about countries and gave me a new perspective for looking at the UN. I also made many friends and won a lot of self-confidence, enough to perform magic (my hobby) for a live audience, which meant a lot for me.
Overall, I loved the experience and I hop to live somthing similar again.
Nuria: Global Classrooms is an amazing project from which you learn a lot. It teaches you to make decisions that benefit everyone, and it is not as easy as I thought it would be. It also helps you o be more confident about yourself and to be able to speak in front of everyone without being nervous. If it would be posible, I would repeat next year, it has been very fun!

Mercedes Díaz Miguel, nuestra representante y ganadora del curso pasado, fue invitada en la ceremonia de inauguración para contar su experiencia.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Reconocimiento al rendimiento académico en la PAU 2013

El pasado 17 de marzo tuvo lugar el acto de reconocimiento académico a las mejores calificaciones en la PAU. del curso 2013-14.
Nuestra alumna Ana Rodríguez Gallego fue una de ellas. ¡Enhorabuena!

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

Proceso de admisión 2014-2015

Ya han salido las instrucciones para el proceso de admisión:
1º ESO de centros adscritos y colegios bilingües
  • 17 al 20 marzo: las familias entregan en el colegio el modelo de solicitud de reserva de plaza y la documentación acreditativa. Para alumnos de 1º ESO de colegios adscritos al IESB Ciudad de los Poetas y colegios bilingües de Madrid.
  • 20 de marzo: publicación de listados de los centros elegidos por los alumnos en 1ª opción.
  • Hata 26 de marzo: baremación, en caso necesario, de las solicitudes de reserva de plaza.
  • 27 y 28 de marzo: reclamación de las adjudicaciones de reserva de plaza
  • 1 de abril: listado definitivo
Todos los cursos de centros no ascritos
  • 23 de abril al 9 de mayo: plazo de presentación de instancias para TODOS los cursos para el proceso ordinario de admisión.
  • 23 de junio al 11 de julio: plazo de matriculación en los institutos bilingües en lengua inglesa
  • 27 de mayo: lista provisional de admitidos y excluidos
  • 28 al 30 de mayo: reclamaciones a la lista provisional
  • 4 de junio: lista definitiva